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January 21, 2025
Today’s Daily Devotional
Today’s Daily Devotional
John 15:5
I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for
without Me you can do nothing.
Have you ever heard of a CEO? No, not Chief Executive Officers, but rather in the Christian
world, we refer to CEO’s as Christmas and Easter Only people. They are the ones who go to
church on those two special days a year, Christmas and Easter. But if you think about it, that
makes about as much sense as getting married but only visiting your spouse once a year on your
anniversary, while the other 364 days of the year, you are off doing your own thing with
whoever you want to.
But maybe you are not a CEO in the Christian world, maybe you do go to church every Sunday,
or at least try to, and you do because you say that you need to be recharged. But when I hear
people say that I think about my computer keyboard that I am typing on right now to write
today’s devotional. It is a wireless keyboard, meaning there is no cord attached to my computer,
so it runs off of a battery power. But I also use it constantly every day for not just writing
devotionals, but for other things that I do on my computer.
I also work from home, and my job requires me to be on the computer at least eight hours a day,
Monday through Friday. So with all that use, the batteries in my wireless keyboard rundown;
therefore, once a week or so, I have to plug it into the USB port of the computer for it to get
charged up again. Kind of like people who go to church and only spend time with the Lord on
Sunday only.
But if I kept the keyboard plugged in, it would never run out of power, because it would
constantly be powered by the computer. These are those who are in the word every day, being
plugged into the Lord constantly.
Yet how many are like my wireless keyboard, and they go to church on Sunday saying that they
need it because their spiritual power seems to be drained. Some lose that power on Monday
morning, and some lose it as soon as they leave the parking lot of the church on Sunday. But the
way to remedy that is to stay plugged into Jesus Christ, just like He told us to in today’s verse.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.
To “abide” in Christ is not to get charged up once a week then go on that power all week. If you
think of a grapevine, the branches stay plugged in (attached to the vine) all the time. They don’t
get their nourishment, then they unattach themselves from the vine, then come back when they
feel drained. No, they stay plugged into the vine all the time.
If you think of my scenario of the keyboard staying plugged into the computer, and how I said
that those who are in the word everyday are just like that. But you may think, “I can’t sit here
and read my bible all day long, I have a job and things to do.” Which we all do. But just as the
keyboard would stay plugged into the computer all day, that doesn’t mean that it’s constantly
being used. Rather, it stays plugged in, ready to be used whenever it’s needed. So yes, we get
into the word every day, but we also continue to walk with the Lord even after we put our bible
down and say amen at the end of praying. That’s how we as Christians should be, (abiding)
staying plugged into the Lord constantly, because when we unplug from the Lord, we are trying
to do things of our own strength, not by the power of the Lord in us.
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His
1 Corinthians 4:20 (MSG) God's Way is not a matter of mere talk; it's an empowered