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with God
1 Cor 12:27 (NLT)
Now all of you together are Christ's body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.
We all play a different role or part in the church.
Each person has their own gift(s) of the Spirit to minister to others in the church.
But think of this, what if everyone in the church were just like you, what kind of a church would it be?
Think about your giving, and service. What about your study habits or your prayer time?
What about how your family is.
Would the church continue to exist because everyone would tithe, or would it close down because no one would tithe?
Would nothing get done because everyone would be doing nothing or would everything be taken care of because all are willing to do?
Would it be a bunch of weak Christians who don't study or strong Christians who stay in the word daily?
Would the families be families of God, or families of the world?
What about prayer, would it be a praying church or a church that never prays.
So what kind of a church would it be? Remember that these people are just like you.
When you think about it this way, it really makes you stop and look at yourself, and your life as a Christian.
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