5 Minutes a day / 5 Days a week
with God
Luke 12:15
And He said to them, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses."
Today's devotional is not one of mine, but from
but it was so good when I heard it on the radio I thought I would post it as well.
Do you feel like you are riding off in all directions: trying to be a wife, a mother, a chauffer; hold down a job; do the shopping, housecleaning, and cooking; and between diapers and dishes find time for yourself as well? I've got news for you. Whether you can say, "Yes, that's me!" or you are a male version of what I just described-trying to be all things to all people-you just can't do it all. Whether you are single or married, you've got to decide. The following are ten ways to get your act together.
1. SIMPLIFY - Accept the reality that you can't do it all, be all things to all people, and have it all. Author Carl Honor? in his book, In Praise of Slowness, says, "hold to a combination of what will make you happy, what won't get you fired, and what will make for fond memories." Life gets more complex every year. It's compounded by living faster, too many things to do, not enough space or money, and-God knows-not enough time. Simplify, simplify, simplify.
2. LIVE OUT YOUR FAITH - Read Matthew 5-7. Remember, it's all about God, not you! Jesus said we are to seek His kingdom first, and trust Him for "all these things." If you believe God is in control, act like it. Worry is not a badge given to those who are really trusting God.
3. PRIORITIZE - You can't keep everybody happy; so you had better decide who comes at the head of the line. Ask your kids what they think is most important in your life. You may be surprised. Start your day with God. Be in the Word. Get a notebook and record what you pray about, your impressions, your most important tasks for the day.
4. GET RID OF THE CLUTTER - That includes your schedule, your garage, your thinking, and your closet. When in doubt, throw it out. Give it to Good Will or your local shelter. Sometimes you have to clean house mentally as well. Taking a long walk out-of-doors helps. Turning off the phone and listening to your feelings helps. Don't bother to meditate but learn to pray, asking God to help you decide what your life is all about. Scrap the non-important.
5. THROW OUT THE CELEBREX, THE VIOXX, AND THE ALEVE - Bring in moderate exercise, time for quiet contemplation, and a common-sense diet. Forget the fads, the fatty (but taste-very-good) foods, and the "more is better" approach to desserts.
6. RATHER THAN WANTING MORE, DECIDE TO BE HAPPY WITH LESS. You are about as happy as you decide to be. Fall into the trap of "more is better" and you'll never find satisfaction. Notice how little it really takes for you to find happiness. More is not better and things will never fill the empty void within your heart.
7. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR SCHEDULE - Either you plan your time or others do it for you. Learn to say, "I'd like to say yes, but I can't. The answer is, ask me another time." (Or just say NO).
8. GET OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF - Ruby and Mark Wales did that at Christmas. Instead of buying each other gifts, they loaded a truck and headed to Mexico to give to the needy and the poor.
9. TURN OFF THE TV; TURN ON TO BOOKS AND MUSIC. Reading may be passé but it still brings refreshment and enrichment.
10. GIVE IT AWAY - If you haven't used it in a year, get rid of it. Do your giving while you're living so you're knowing where it's going. Acknowledge your blessings from the Lord by giving back to Him.
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