5 Minutes a day / 5 Days a week

with God

Heb 8:11

"None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD, for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.

"I know Jesus, but I want to Know Jesus"

Does this make sense to you? After this devotional I pray it will.

So, do you know Jesus?

"Well yea, I know Jesus was born on Christmas day, and walked the earth, and taught and healed and loved others. I know Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day and is alive sitting at the right hand of God. Yea, I know Jesus."

The thing is that millions know these things about Jesus. Ask them what Christmas means and they will tell that is the day Jesus was born.
Ask then what Easter means and they will tell you about the cross and how Jesus died and rose from the dead.
The thing is that these are the basics that everyone knows already. But how many really know Jesus and not just about Him?

Example: before you got married you may have known the basics about your husband or wife, but only after you were married and living together did you really get to know him or her.
The things you knew about your spouse a lot of people already knew, but over the years you have learned intimate things about each other, things like trust and real love during tough times.

So you may know Jesus, but don't you think it's time to really get to know Jesus, more then what the world already knows. It's time to learn about our bridegroom, because we will spend eternity with Him in heaven.

So how do you get to know Jesus?
Simple, the same way you would with your spouse, by talking and listening.
With Jesus you need to spend one on one time with Him in prayer where no one else is around to try and impress with your great prayers, but rather opening your heart up to Him.
To listen is to spend time in His word everyday and listen as the Lord speaks to you through His word.
Prayer is great, but we also need to stop and listen as well, and we hear with our eyes, by reading His word.

So put up a post-it on your computer, in your bathroom, in your bible, on your dashboard or wherever you can think to remind you of these things.
What do you write on this post-it?

I know Jesus, but I want to know Jesus!

Know the LORD, for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.

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