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with God
Col 3:9
Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds,
You may read today's devotional and think, "This will be a piece of cake for me because I don't lie."
Is that right, let me ask you something that we are asked every day, "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing good" or "I'm doing ok" , but are you really?
I know I am just as guilty of this as you may be.
I could be having a terrible day or week and someone at work or church will ask me how I am doing, and I tell them that I am ok, but the truth is that I am having problems.
When we do this what we have just done was told a lie.
The devil doesn't want us to tell others about our problems, because he knows if we start telling believers about our problems they will start praying for you, and he sure doesn't want others to pray for you.
Keeping all this in mind, I do have a confession to make as the teacher here at this website.
I am having marital problems and we need your prayers big time. My wife more then myself, because she has decided to leave me, even though she has no biblical reason for doing so. She is a believer and reads her bible everyday, but the devil has placed lies in her mind and caused her to leave and take our children with her over 400 miles away.
I know one reason is because of this ministry (which she is not against at all) and how it has ministered to others and the devil hates that and wants to stop it.
I do admit that I am not the best husband in the world because we all have our faults. But I don't drink, or party and if I am not working then I am either home with my family or studying for the bible studies and devotionals.
So I come to you confessing this and I ask for your prayers for my family and myself and for this ministry. If the Lord wants me to stop He will tell me and I will be obedient, but I refuse to stop because satan doesn't like it.
So if you are going through tough times, don't pretend that everything is ok, if you do then no one will pray for your situation, plus then you are not following Gods command.
Do not lie to one another
I thank you in advance for your prayers!
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