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with God
1 Cor 3:8
Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
I remember years ago when we were first married. We lived in this little studio house behind a big house and we had a small yard.
In this little yard, my wife would plant vegetables. She would get out there and dig up the dirt, removing big rocks and weeds and then planting the seeds. Then she would water it, but sometimes I would go out there and water it as well. The results were fresh vegetables, which we both benefited from.
I say we both benefited from it, because we both worked to make them grow. Sure, she did a lot of the hard work, which she liked doing, and because of that hard work it inspired me to help out as well. Then in a few months, fresh tomatoes and other things.
Sometimes it seems like you will do a lot of hard work for the kingdom, then someone will see that hard work and want to join in. Should you be stingy and say no, or allow the other person to help out?
I suppose it depends on if you want all the glory and rewards for yourself or not.
Yet as Christians we should not look out for just ourselves but also the welfare of others as well. Take for example this website. I put a lot of hard work studying and teaching God's word and I do it because I enjoy it. But you can help reap the harvest of this ministry. How so? By praying for those who come here and for me as well.
Maybe you don't want to support this ministry in this way. That's ok too, but support some ministry, because when you do then each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
What will your reward be in heaven?
Want more, then start out a ministry or help someone else in his or hers, because we all need help and cannot do it alone. Now he who plants and he who waters are one
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