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with God
2 Cor 11:4
For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it!
If you saw a bottle that had a skull and cross bones and it said poison on it, would you drink what was in it?
Of course you wouldn't because you know that it would harm or even kill you if you did.
We all have these sorts of things around our homes like bug killers, and charcoal fluid, etc.
We make sure that the child proof lids are on tight and that they are out of reach from our children, because we want to protect them from this poison.
So one day a couple of guys or girls come knocking on your door, they claim to be Christians and offer you a book called "The book of Mormon. Another Testament of Jesus Christ". So do you take it or run from it?
I guess the first question would be, why would you want to run from it, because it tells about Jesus?
Look at the title again "The book of Mormon. Another testament of Jesus Christ".
Did you catch that second part? "Another testament of Jesus Christ"
Does it sound familiar? It should because we just read about such a thing in today's devotional verse.
For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it!
They are teaching another Jesus not the one in the bible, which would also make it a different gospel
They teach that Jesus is not God and that He is the half brother of the devil. Both are totally opposite of what the bible teaches. There are many other things as well, but basically on the cover of this book of Mormon it has a skull and cross bones as well as the word poison. No you can't see them or read it, but the title represents these things "Another testament of Jesus Christ"
So do you take it or run from it. If you are a babe in Christ, I would encourage you not to take it because it can poison your mind. Stick to the bible and you will be all right.
If you are mature in Jesus Christ, I think it's ok to take it, but only for the purpose of studying it to show them their inconsistencies compared to the bible.
If not, thank them and let them keep it. Also share the real Jesus with them, not out of anger or hatred towards them, but in the same love that Jesus wants to revel to them.
This is Jesus the Jesus of the bible, not any other Jesus.
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