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with God
Acts 3:4-6
4 And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, "Look at us." 5 So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. 6 Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."
"Hey, let's go to the bar on Sunday and watch the football game."
"Let's have a girls night out and talk about how bad our men are."
"Let's go to the movies, I know it's has nudity and profanity in it, but I'll buy."
"Can you get me one of those from your work? They wont miss it."
Just a few examples of what those in the world ask of us.
But how often do we give into these requests, thinking that we are being a friend to him or her?
We say that Jesus would do it, but would He?
Would Jesus hang out at a bar listening to the guy's yell and curse and watch them get drunk flirting with the barmaids?
Would Jesus want to sit around and listen to wives badmouth their husbands to each other?
Would Jesus really want to sit in a movie full of nudity and profanity?
Would Jesus steal from His job to make someone His friend?
Maybe you could say, instead of going to the bar to watch the game, come to church with me on Sunday instead.
Or instead of a girl's night out of bashing your husbands, maybe you could invite them to a women's bible study.
Instead of going to that movie why not invite them to your house to watch a good clean movie and supply all the popcorn and soda that they want.
Instead of stealing from your job, why not let them know that you can get it at a discount and that you will buy them one.
So many ways we try to befriend the world in their way, yet there are better ways, and that's God's way.
Think of the devotional today. So many think they know what they want, but do they really know what they need?
Here in Acts the man thought he needed money, when in reality he needed to be touched by Jesus (The One who actually healed this man).
People all through life will tell you what they want. Ask the Lord to start showing you what they need and give them that instead.
I wonder out of all the four examples, how many of them really need Jesus.
I think they all would.
So would you give them what they wanted, or what they needed?
Aren't you glad someone offered you what you needed (Jesus) instead of what you wanted!
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