5 Minutes a day / 5 Days a week
with God
2 Cor 6:2
For He says:
"In an acceptable time I have heard you,
And in the day of salvation I have helped you."
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
Here it is, another Wednesday. A day we often refer to as hump day, because it is the middle of the week and we are heading for the weekend now.
Some enjoy this day because they know that the weekend is on its way.
Others don't like it because they think of it as just halfway through the week; with the other half still to go.
Either way, do you want to have a great Wednesday or whatever day it may be that you are reading this?
Possibly you have been coming to this website for some time now. You have read through the daily devotionals, and the bible studies. But all this time you have never made that commitment to Jesus. Maybe you have been searching looking for the truth and possible a little rest for your soul, looking for that right time to finally make a decision.
Well, I have good news for you and it's in today's devotional verse.
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation
If you have been searching or even wondering, it's time to stop searching and wondering and come to the reality that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and the only way to real joy here on this earth.
You may have tried other religions, but you keep coming up empty.
Maybe you buy things to try and find a little joy in life, but soon they grow old and you need to buy more things.
Maybe you search for it in a relationship with someone else. But find that we are all human and everyone will let you down at one time or another.
Forget religion and forget about stuff. Today make the decision to have a relationship, not a religion, but a relationship with Jesus Christ.
How do you do that? Just by telling Jesus that you want that relationship with Him. In a prayer something like this one.
Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead, and I ask You to forgive me for all my sins. I believe that You are the Son of God and God come in the flesh. I admit I don't fully understand it all, but in faith I come to You. I ask You to be my Lord and Savior. I don't want a religion, I want a relationship with You from this day forward. Thank You that You also want that relationship with me and that You will never leave or forsake me, no matter what I am going through.
I love you Jesus. Thank You for loving me first!
I pray and ask these things in Your Name Jesus. AMEN!
Now go and tell someone what you did. You never know, maybe they will also turn to Jesus and have a great Wednesday and rest of their life as well.
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