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with God

Acts 18:3

So, because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and worked; for by occupation they were tentmakers.

True story.
At my job were I work, after you have been there for ten years, they give you a bonus of $1000. Well, I reached my ten years this last weekend and for months I have been planning on how I would spend this money. It came down to one of two things, a laptop computer, or a new keyboard (musical). I finally decided that the keyboard was the way to go, as I would use it to worship the Lord.
Then it happen, car problems came along with other bills that came up, so I need to use this money for bills instead of the enjoyment I thought I would.
I was pretty upset, after all I had worked there for ten years and after ten years of labor, I wanted something to show for what the last ten years of working had represented. When I discovered I had to use it for bills, all I could think was that the last ten years only represented that I worked to pay bills.
But then this very day as I was driving to work, the Lord placed upon my heart that, yes I do work to pay bills, and feed my family and take care of them, after all that's the purpose of work. It's not meant to be an enjoyment or pleasure in life; it's something we all have to do.
The Lord showed me that my joy does not come from working or even being at the same job for ten years, but rather my joy comes from the Lord and what He has, and will provide. If He thinks it's time for a new keyboard, He will supply it and I can trust Him for it. If not, then I don't need it and the Lord will give me joy some other way.

I share this with you because the Lord has taught me this and in turn I pray it will teach you as well, that we all have to work, God supplies our jobs so we as men can take care of our families, and when we try to gain apart from Him it means nothing.
Sure, I could have bought the keyboard and have our bills stacked up. Where would the joy be in that?
But when the Lord supplies what I need, that's when I will enjoy what HE has given me.
That's also when you will enjoy what HE had given you as well!

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