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with God

Luke 10:20

"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven."

I remember several years ago a young boy had sent me an e-mail and he was all fired up because of the things he was doing.
I then responded to him with today's verse, reminding him that we should not just rejoice in what we are doing, but rather because our names are written in the Lamb's book of Life.
His response was, "Who are you?" Because he wasn't taught this, nor understood it, even though it's written in the bible.
The thing is that we get so caught up in doing that we seem to forget Whom we are doing it for, or Who has given us the power to do what we do.
We put so much emphasis on works and doing that we soon forget about Jesus, and eventually do it, because it's what we do. We even do the same thing on Sunday when we go to church because it's the thing to do as a Christian.
But the real reason we go to church on Sunday is to worship the Lord with other believers, get strengthened in God's word and to minister to one another.

Here it today's devotional verse the disciples were all fired up because of what they had been doing, But Jesus reminds them, and us that our joy is not in the things we do, but rather in where we will be after we leave this earth.

So if you need something to be happy about then: rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

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