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Heb 13:4

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

How many of you knew this verse was in the bible?
How many of you have heard this verse taught in your church?
Maybe not many of you, unless you go to a church that teaches through the bible. You see, when a pastor teaches through the bible, verse by verse, he cannot skip over this verse or any other verse that may seem to be controversial. He must teach on it.
This verse is speaking of sex.

"How can you say that word on a Christian web site?"

I can say it because sex is a gift from God between a husband and a wife. It's one of the great things we get from the marriage.
If you are not married, then you should not have sex at all. Safe sex or not, the best safe sex is abstinence!
But when you are married, then anything goes, as long as it's just between a husband and a wife.
To have the bed undefiled is not to include anyone else in the sexual relationship between you and your spouse, this also includes not fantasizing that it's someone else.

When God created man and woman He said:

  • Gen 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

  • Therefore God ordained sex in the marriage between a husband and a wife ONLY.
    But the world has turned a gift from God into something dirty, and by doing so, it causes friction between a husband and a wife, and even arguments, because the husband or wife has a desire that only their spouse can fulfill and they refuse to satisfy that need.
    So many marriages end up in divorce over the lack of a sexual relationship in the marriage and this should not be so.
    But also as men, and even women, we should be considerate to our spouses needs, and sometimes your spouse does not need or desire sex. At that point we should be ok with that.
    It's when you go out and commit adultery, even by looking at naked women or men in a magazine or the Internet that causes sin to fester in the home.

    but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

    We will be judged for the way we treat our spouse sexually, but we will also be judged by the way we treat our spouse when they are not in the mood.

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