5 Minutes a day / 5 Days a week
with God
Romans 1:28 (NLT)
When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done.
You can print out this devotional on a sheet of paper, and with this sheet of paper you will have God's word printed, which would be today's devotional verse.
But you could also flip this piece of paper over and do some pretty sinful and horrible things with it.
You could start writing all sorts of cuss words on it.
You could start drawing pornographic pictures.
You could also write a note on it and hand it to a teller at the bank telling them that you are robbing the bank.
You could take the edges and start giving people paper cuts with it.
You could write a letter to your spouse telling them that you want out of the marriage.
I'm sure we could come up with hundreds of ways to use this one sheet of paper for many sinful acts.
I say all of this because we seem to forget that God created the trees that make this paper. But we look at the things that are done with it, like some of the things mentioned above and seem to forget that God just created the tree, but not the sins.
We tend to blame God for a lot of things, but forget that God created all the earth and when He was finished, God said.
Gen 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.
But we as sinful men, and women have taken what God created as good and have caused all sorts of sinful things with God' creation.
Point in fact is just a simple piece of paper, which could be used to print God's word, or print pornography.
Who fault is it that the pornography was printed?
Not God's!
So who's to blame?
Not God!
Something to think about next time you want to ask God why, or blame God for something bad that's happening in the world, or to you.
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