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with God

1 Thess 5:11 (NLT)

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

We as Christians are instructed not to be Lone Rangers in our ministries.
As you read throughout the bible, no one has ever been a Lone Ranger in the bible. Everyone has had someone there with him or her. Some were very evident, like Moses and his brother Aaron. Some were more subtle like Paul and Barnabas.
Nevertheless, everyone had someone there for him or her. Even Jesus was not a Lone Ranger as He had the 12 with Him, and He even sent out the disciples two by two, knowing the importance of no one going and serving alone.
For myself, I sometimes wonder if I am a Lone Ranger in my ministry, but as I think about it, I am not because I have my wife who supports me and prays for me and my ministry. There are also those of you who pray for this ministry and me also.
No, I am not alone and all of you who do pray will receive part of the reward in heaven for this ministry, which I will be happy to share with all of you in heaven.
However, people like my wife and you who do pray, are those hidden or silent (in a sense) partners in this ministry, meaning the world or even others do not see the things you do, but you will receive a great reward because you stay at the sidelines or in the shadows not seeking any glory for yourself.
Jesus has something to say to my wife and the rest of you.

  • Matt 6:6 "But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

  • God definitely sees what you are doing in secret and will reward you openly according to His word, not mine.
    When we are all in heaven and the Lord is rewarding all of us, I pray that I will give you all a standing ovation for the help you have been to me.
    But even more important is when you hear the words of our Lord say: Well done, good and faithful servant Matt 25:21b

    If you have been a Lone Ranger or do not know who to or how to help someone out, ask the Lord who or what ministry you can pray for, and then be a faithful helper in prayer.

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