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with God

John 17:13-14

13 "But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 "I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

Have you ever wondered what God thinks that we need to really make us happy?
We think and even ask for a new job, or new car, or a new house or a new computer or better food or new clothes or a nice long vacation or?

These are just some of our ideas of things that we think would make us happy or bring joy in our lives.
Sure, they may bring a temporary joy, but do they really bring an everlasting joy?
No because new jobs get old.
New cars start to beak down eventually.
New houses we grow out of and will someday need repairs.
New computers get outdated very fast.
The better food we want we soon get tired of and start wanting something else.
New clothes go out of style almost as fast as computers that get faster and better.
Vacations usually wear us out, or cost so much that we have to work harder to pay for our vacation then when we first left.

So, what do we need to have lasting joy?
Jesus tells us in the beginning of verse 14

I have given them Your word

Just think about that for a moment. Here is Jesus who is at the end of His earthly ministry, and would be going to the cross in less then 24 hours, and the one thing He wanted to make sure that He gave to the disciples and us is God's word.
Jesus did not say, I gave them a ministry that is now a new job.
Or I gave them a new camel to ride on.
Or I gave them all new houses.
Or I gave them whole wheat bread and great seafood to eat.
Or I gave them this little electric thing that they can look up information from anywhere in the world.
Or I gave them new tunics to wear.
Or I took them out of their jobs for a time of rest.

No, Jesus knew that the most important thing and the only thing that would give us everlasting joy was God's word.

That they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them Your word

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