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with God

Acts 2:47

praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

How many times have you heard people in the church complaining because the church isn't growing, or growing fast enough?
How many times have you been the one complaining?
Let me let you in on a secret, that's not really a secret.
Look at the first two words of today's devotional verses.

praising God

It seems this church started out small, and then the Lord increased it in one day by 3000.

  • Acts 2:41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.

  • And as you read on we get to today's verse, which states that they were praising God.

    It wasn't because of the numbers but because of the work God was doing.
    If God had saved only 3 people that day, they still would have praised God.

    That is the secret that's not a secret, praising God and not complaining.
    Once we start doing that then I believe the second half of the verse will start happening in our churches.

    And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

    After all who wants to go to a church where the people are complaining all the time?
    People hear that all day from the world.
    Don't they come to church because they want to know that our God is an awesome God!
    When we complain we are saying that God is not that awesome after all.

    So start praising God and let others know how awesome our God is!

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