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with God
1 Cor 3:6-7
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.
I have to share with you something that's been on my heart lately.
We moved over a year ago and searched for a church for over a year. We found one that seems ok, but something is missing and I haven't been unable to put my finger on what it is.
In the mean time another church we used to go to shut down as another church took over. This was all God's doing, I have no doubt about it.
Well, this new church on the first Sunday that they were to meet, expected between 200-300 people to show up.
To their surprise over 700 people showed up. Afterwards they had a BBQ and expected 200-250 people to show up and had only enough food for that many, but over 500 people showed up and they had enough food for all the people, even for those who went back for seconds and had leftovers afterwards.
Now tell me this is not the Lord.
When I heard about all of this I wondered why this new church would have so many people and the one we are going to struggles to get people to come.
The pastor has a vision for the area and has come up with ideas on how we can reach them, but it just doesn't seem to be happening and I have been struggling with the answer to why.
I talked to a friend and said that people want to be entertained and the church wasn't entertaining enough. But I knew that was not the reason.
So this Sunday we went and visited this new church and saw a lot of old friends that we used to fellowship with. It was awesome.
On the way home I believe that the Lord gave me the answer to my question.
This new church was doing so well because the Lord was allowed to do the work and not man. The other church we are going to struggles because it is hindering the work of the Lord by man trying to do the work in mans way and not God's.
I even got an e-mail looking for those who would like to work for this organization that helps churches to grow. They have their man made ways, and the churches may fill up, but are the people really getting saved or are they coming for the entertainment, and will they leave once it's gone?
I think churches need to repent of this sin of man doing the work and trying by mans ways. They need to turn to the Lord and confess this sin and allow the Lord to start doing the work, as He wants to.
Until then, the church will just be just like any other church struggling to find members instead of seeking out the lost.
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