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with God

John 11:35

Jesus wept.

This is the shortest verse in the bible, and I'm sure you have all read it.
But have you really thought about what you were reading?

Imagine the creator of the heavens and the earth is now crying.
Some say that when it rains that it's God weeping, but that is not biblical. I see rain as God's cleansing just as He did with the flood.
No, it's not God crying, but God did cry here on earth for someone He loved and missed, even though He knew He was going to raise him from the dead, he still cried.

It just shows that God has a heart and compassion. He is not the God some make Him out to be ready to throw a bolt of lightning at you when you do something wrong.
No, God is a loving God, and like a parent He doesn't like to discipline His children. But as we all know discipline is part of raising a child.

Some say you are not a man if you cry or show your feelings. Jesus showed them all that it's OK to cry, even as a man.
A real man would cry, if you say other wise then you are saying that Jesus wasn't a real man. Or as we put it, "A man's man."

So if you need to cry, go ahead, if it's good enough for Jesus to, then it's good enough for you to also!

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