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with God
1 Tim 1:12
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,
This verse is so fitting for me.
Everyday I pray for this website and those who come here, but I also thank the Lord everyday for allowing me to teach here.
I am always in awe of the Lord and how He would use someone like me.
I know there have been other things I have tried to do and have fallen flat on my face. The key words are "I tired" instead of seeking the Lord and His will.
We get frustrated a lot because we think we have good ideas but don't seek the Lord, so when we fail we question the Lord, when in fact we should be questioning ourselves.
Now it's not wrong to have ideas and to try and pursue them, but we need to spend time seeking the Lord and His will instead of our own.
There is so much more I would like to be doing for the Lord, but He has me doing just what He wants me to right now. When God wants me to do more, He'll let me know and will supply for it.
What about you, are you doing or even trying to do?
Have you failed at some things?
Have you asked the Lord if it was what He wanted you to do, or were you expecting the Lord to follow after you?
So just have a heart to serve the Lord and ask for His direction. He will direct you, just as He directed me to teach on the Internet.
Just be open to His leading, and allow God to lead you instead of you trying to lead God.
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