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with God

Rev 13:9

If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

Today's devotional verse is very short, but very important.
Most people believe in the pre-rapture of the church.
While others believe in the mid-rapture of the church, and some the post-rapture of the church.
So why is there confusion?
Simply put because the scriptures are not truly studied. People just believe what others tell them.
But today's devotional verse is a good starting point to study to find out when the rapture will happen. Either before, in the middle or the end of the seven-year tribulation period, which all agree on.

So why is this little verse so important?
If you read it you may think that you have heard this before, which you have seven times in the beginning of the book of Revelation, but there is one very important sentence missing here in chapter 13. Did you catch it?

  • Rev 2:7a "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

  • If you said what the Spirit says to the churches. Then you are correct. You see in the book of Revelation when Jesus is speaking to the seven churches, He always ends with this sentence, and in some case an exhortation to those who do listen.

    "So what's the big deal? you may ask?
    Well John leaves this out here in chapter 13 because the church is no longer here on the earth.
    If they are not here on the earth at this midway point, then where are they? In heaven, because we will all go up to heaven before the seven year tribulation period.

    Now that I got you more interested in the rapture of the church and when it will happen, why don't you study the bible for more evidence of when we will be raptured (caught up) into heaven?

    You can tell me about what you found when we are all there together.

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