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with God

Prov 29:18 (KJV)

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

I love the Lord so much that it seems I just want to do and do for Him, because of what He's done for me.
There is this bible study on the Internet. I also have a vision for doing a children's as well as a youth bible study on the Internet also. I even have the names for the sites.
I love to write and have a few books that I am writing right now, which are based upon God's word or they teach God word in a novel type format.
I also am a musician, but haven't played in over two years, but I think it's time to get back into it, as the new church we are attending is in need of a worship leader.
I also want to record a worship CD that would be given out for free.
Then there's the worship website I also want to do which will have songs of praise, worship and thanksgiving to the Lord. This will have songs from all sorts of different worship bands. Some famous and some not.
Along with these things I desire to be a better husband to my wife and dad to my children, which are also my ministries.

So many things I want to do. But I was getting to the point where I thought I just had too much that I wanted to do, and that I was losing my vision of what the Lord wanted me to do. I struggled big time with this for quite a while now, until just recently when the Lord brought this verse to mind.
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

The word vision means a revelation from God.
I was beginning to wonder if all these things where just me or the Lord.
First off, I desire NOT to receive any glory for any of them, I just want to teach God's word and draw others into His presence to worship Him.
So my motives and heart where right. But why think of so many things when it seems impossible to do them all?
After all I have to work and take care of my family, which includes a little girl under two years old and a newborn baby boy a little over two months old. Sure my wife does a fantastic job of taking care of them, but she has also gone back to work part time and she also needs a break by the time I get home from work.
So when will I ever find the time to do them all?
Honestly, it's not my problem. You see, if all of these things are of the Lord, then He will get me the time I need. And if it is a full time ministry doing all of these things, then He will supply for my family and me as well.

But the thing was, I was so worried about wanting to do so much, that I was ready to give up on all of it (except my family), including this website.
Basically I was losing my vision of what the Lord had for me, and I was spiritually perishing.
That's where today's verse came into play. The Lord showed me that these things are all good things and I need to keep that vision alive by continuing to pray about them and plan for them.

What about you? Do you have a desire to do something for the Lord? Have you given up on it because it seems too impossible, or you just don't seem to have the ability to do it?
I have no special talents or education that I can do this web site, just the heart to do it. The Lord has taken that heart and made this website into what it is today. Much more then I ever imagined it would be.

So I write this today to encourage you not to give up in what the Lord has for you, and if you have set it aside, pick it up and get started on it again.

If not then: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

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