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with God

Gal 2:6

But from those who seemed to be something--whatever they were, it makes no difference to me; God shows personal favoritism to no man--for those who seemed to be something added nothing to me.

I listen to some great pastors throughout the week on the radio and Internet.
I personally know some men who are great pastors also.
There are also some I have never met, but would like to.
But when it comes down to it, even though they may have a good story to relate to the scriptures they are teaching on. The bottom line is, it's the scriptures that touches my heart and changes me. Not these men.
All they are doing is repeating what God had already said in His word.

Sometimes they can even intimidate us, thinking that we will never be like them. They are so spiritual and they must have an "in" with God we think.
But this isn't true at all; they are just like you and me.
So we need to stop putting men on pedestal because they proclaim God's word.
We can, and should all be doing the same thing, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We should respect them and even desire to be like them, IF they are like Jesus.
Paul said,

  • 1 Cor 11:1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.

  • We should all be able to say that, because God sees us all as Christians the same way. He doesn't put these great pastors any higher then He puts you or me.
    God shows personal favoritism to no man

    So am I upset because of these great bible teachers and I'm not one of them?
    No, I am upset because I am not as much like Jesus as I want to be.
    But I am heading in that direction.
    How about you?

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