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with God

Eph 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places

Have you ever tried to climb a mountain before?
Maybe not, but have you seen these mountain climbers on TV and how much they struggle just to reach the top of the mountain?
Did you also notice that when you watch these mountain climbers on TV, they don't show you how they get down off the mountain?
They don't show this because to go down the mountain is a piece of cake. They just latch onto their rope and slide down.
It may have taken that person all day just to reach the top of the mountain, but in a matter of minutes they are back at the bottom.

It's the same thing with our walk with the Lord.
Some things are a struggle for us and it takes time to get over some things.
Maybe there is sin you are struggling with. In this struggle, you feel like you are climbing a mountain, you can see the top in the distance and you keep on going because you know you will make. Your strength may seem to fail you, but then you get that second wind as the Holy Spirit refreshes you and you continue on.

But as sometimes it seems to be a hard climb in our Christian walk, so it is with our Christian fall. Sometimes we just want to give up. Because we know if we just let go of our lifeline, which is Jesus Christ, we can slide back down to where we were at the bottom of the mountain.
At the bottom it seems so much better, because there seems to be comfort and no struggles. But we tend to forget that at the bottom of the mountain there is also loneliness poverty, disease, famine, and death.
Sure you could let go and slide back down to all of this. But is that really what you want to go back to?
I pray you don't, because we must remember what's at the top of the mountain, Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, eternal life, no more tears, no more hunger and no more death.
Plus at the top of the mountain there is a huge party that will be happening when we all get there.

Don't take what seems to be the easy way right now. The struggles we all go through will all pay off in the end, and we are closer to the end then we may think we are.

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