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with God

2 Tim 4:3-4

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

This web site gets between 100 -150 hits a week, not to mention the other pages with different studies and devotionals and links.
You may say that this sounds like a lot of people coming here each week and someone even said that this is enough to start a church.
But there are other Christian sites that have cute little poems and stories that get thousands of hit each day, meaning thousands of people are going to these sites everyday.
Is this good or bad?
I think it should be the other way around; unfortunately it's not. There are hundreds of sites like this one that teach the word of God and they also get very few hits each week.
The problem is today as Christians we want a quick fix or something to make us feel good rather then digging into God's word to find the answers and to hear from God.

"I need a good story to start my day or to fix this bad day I am having."

"If I could just have the right poem to hang on my wall to remind me that I should be happy when I have days like this."

That's what people think nowadays. Did you know that Jesus told many stories in the bible, which are called parables? But these stories where not a quick fix or make-you-feel-good type of stories, no they where told to teach God's word.

Now stories and poems do have their place, but they shouldn't be the answer to our problems. Only in God's word can we find the true answers.
In my teachings, they are not always make-you-feel-good-about-yourself teachings. Some of them really challenge you and me too.
But that's what God's word does. If a poem or story doesn't challenge you or change your life into one more like Jesus, then it is just a Band-Aid and the problem won't go away.
So next time you are seeking answers, don't look for a poem or a story that will make you feel good. Rather look to God's word for answers.
And next time you want to e-mail a cute little story or poem to help someone or encourage him or her, try sending some scripture instead.

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