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with God

Psalms 31:1-8 (NLT)

1 O LORD, I have come to you for protection;
don't let me be put to shame.
Rescue me, for you always do what is right.
2 Bend down and listen to me;
rescue me quickly.
Be for me a great rock of safety,
a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
3 You are my rock and my fortress.
For the honor of your name, lead me out of this peril.
4 Pull me from the trap my enemies set for me,
for I find protection in you alone.
5 I entrust my spirit into your hand.
Rescue me, LORD, for you are a faithful God.
6 I hate those who worship worthless idols.
I trust in the LORD.
7 I am overcome with joy because of your unfailing love,
for you have seen my troubles,
and you care about the anguish of my soul.
8 You have not handed me over to my enemy
but have set me in a safe place.

There is one thing most people notice about Christians, and that's how they handle problems.
I remember a few years ago, I was having a real horrible trial that I saw no way of escape from. But regardless of what I was going through I knew the Lord was with me.
And that's what gave me a peace in spite of my troubles.
And the cool thing is that, hardly anyone that was a non-Christian knew about this.
Then one day I told my boss about it, and he was totally shocked because he didn't see any change in my work or my attitude. When he asked me how I was handling it so well, I told him that Jesus was my comfort and strength.
Ands that's what we have that the world doesn't have.
The world goes to drugs or alcohol for comfort but never find it there.
They will even go to church looking for comfort in a building. But the thing they miss out on is the head of the church, Jesus!

As David was praying to God in today's Psalm, we should also not fear to seek the Lord's comfort in times of trouble.
The problem may not go away, (mine hasn't, yet) but you will have a peace that is indescribable if you take your eyes off your problem, and put them on the problem solver, Jesus.

  • 2 Cor 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.

  • John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

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