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with God
Gal 6:4
But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
"When I grow up I want to be just like _________?"
"I wish I could be just like them."
"I bet God really loves them; I wish He loved me that much too."
All things we have said or thought about. We seem to never be happy with ourselves and will constantly compare ourselves to others and what they are doing or how they look.
But God does not compare us to one another. God never says, "I wish you could be more like Johnny or Mary"
No, God created us all individually, all to look and be different.
We have different color hair, skin and eyes.
We all smell different and have different likes and dislikes.
Some are strong and some are weak.
Some are tall and some are short.
Some can sing and some can talk.
Some can preach and other can clean tables.
Some can tell a joke and others can laugh.
Some can love and some can be loved.
In other words God created you just they way you are and He has gifted you with His life not so you can be like someone else, but so you can be who you are. His creation.
If God had wanted you to be like Johnny or Mary He would have created you like him or her. But He hasn't, he created you just the way He wants you, and know when He created you, He did it all out of love for you, and who you are.
Gen 1:27 (NLT) So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.
Wow, sounds to me like you are pretty special!
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