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with God
Luke 10:23-24
23 Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, "Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; 24 "for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it."
We are more blessed as Christians then we could ever imagine.
As you read through the Old Testament you read of the prophets telling of Jesus.
Now they never saw Him and it would be thousands of years in some case before Jesus would come to this earth and die for our sins. But still they believed.
They knew God would send a Savior to this world to save man from his sins and they wanted so badly to see Him.
Yes they did see Him when they died, but they wanted to witness all the things God would do through His Son Jesus here on this earth.
So how are we blessed, we haven't seen Jesus nor have we seen the things He did. This is true but we see the effects of Him being here and we have eternal life because we believe that He came and died for us.
Now if you think about it, we also are prophets warning the world of the wrath of God that is going to come. This we know as the tribulation. We read about it and know it's going to be a terrible time here on this earth for seven years.
Just as the prophets knew that God would send Jesus, we also know this seven-year tribulation period will happen.
So how are we blessed? We are living what the prophets of old wanted to be a part of, and we wont have to live during the terrible times to come that we prophecy about.
We will be with Jesus and the prophets of old having a great time in heaven.
Now if that is not blessed, then I don't know what is.
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