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with God

2 Thess 3:13

But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.

Have you ever gotten upset because it seems no one sees any of the good things you are doing, or you never get a thank you are anything?
I know it's tough; sometimes it will be weeks or months before I will get an e-mail from someone reading through the studies or devotionals just to encourage me.
Those times in between are hard sometimes because you wonder if you are doing any good at all for others or if you are just spinning your wheels.
When that happens we must remember that what we do, we do for the Lord and to please Him, not man.
We will get many thank yous and pats on the back (so to speak) when we get to heaven and are rewarded for what we do.
Until then we should not grow weary in the things we are doing, because the Lord sees all we do and we will receive our reward in heaven.
And just trust that if you are doing what the Lord wants you to, that others are being ministered to, and that in itself is a reward!

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