5 Minutes a day / 5 Days a week

with God

1 Cor 16:2

On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come.

Have you ever wondered why we give on Sunday at church?
Some call it tithing, but tithing is an Old Testament term that God used for His children, Israel. But it's a term we have adopted in the church today.
The Old Testament law of tithing was to give ten percent and we have also adopted this practice.
But the New Testament does not teach tithing or even giving ten percent.
So what should you give and how much. I guess the question is how thankful are you to the Lord for what He has given you?
Paul had the church in Corinth put something aside each week on Sunday (the first day of the week) until he came, then he would take it and distribute it to other churches that were in need.
God will take your thankfulness to Him and distribute it to others who need ministered to, and you will receive a reward for helping out others.

"Yea, but how do I know what I am giving is going for good and not being wasted?"

Good question and one you should ask your pastor or an elder in your church.
They have nothing to hide, and I will tell you some of the things they do with that money.
They will bay the bills so the church has water and electricity and gas and the trash picked up. It pays your pastors wages as well as others who work in the church. But they also will give to different missionaries and ministries in need. They will help the poor and will also help those in need in the church. These are just a few things that happen with the money you should be giving each week.

So this week, tell God how much you are thankful for His provisions to you by giving back to Him. In return He will take that love and distribute it to others.

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