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with God

Psalms 77:11

I will remember the works of the LORD;
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.

Just a few days away from a new year, and as you listen to the radio or watch TV, you will hear or see things like the 100 best songs of the year. Or the 10 worst dressed people of the year, and so on.
But what about you?
We all have our own ten best and worst list for the year representing the ten best and worst things that happened to us throughout the year.
Maybe you don't think of ten things, but as people start to talk of the New Year and ask if it was a good year for you, what will your answer be?
The next question is, what are you basing your answer on, the things you accomplished or what the Lord has done in your life the last year?
If we base it upon our own accomplishments, we may not be happy with the way the year turned out.
But if you base your answer on the things the Lord has done in your life the last year, you should be able to say it was a good year, or even a great year.
Take some time these last few days of the year and reflect on what the Lord has done in your life the past 365 days.
As you do, you will be reminded of some awesome things the Lord has done for you. Maybe there where months when you didn't have enough money to pay your bills or buy food, but somehow the Lord supplied your needs.
Maybe the Lord has revealed some things to you that have changed you spiritually into a stronger Christian.
Maybe there are things the Lord has done that you don't understand why they happened, but still you knew the Lord was in it all or allowed it to happen for a reason.

Whatever this year has brought upon your life, remember today's devotional verse, and read the verse after it.

  • Psalms 77:11-12 11 I will remember the works of the LORD; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. 12 I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds.

  • So next time someone asks how your year was, tell him or her of what the Lord has done in your life, and if you can't remember, ask the Lord to remind you. When he does, you will be in awe of His awesomeness!

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