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with God
Titus 3:4-6 (NLT)
4 But then God our Savior showed us his kindness and love. 5 He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. 6 He generously poured out the Spirit upon us because of what Jesus Christ our Savior did.
"When I clean up my act, then I'll start going to church."
"When I stop drinking, then God will accept me."
"I'm to bad; God would never have anything to do with me."
These are probably a few excuses you have heard people use when you invite them to church or share Jesus with them. Maybe they are some of the same excuses you even used before you became a Christian.
Maybe even today as a Christian, you sometimes wonder if God still loves you, or if He will forgive you this time for the same sin you have been committing over and over again, even though you don't want to.
Today's verses make it clear that our salvation and the forgiveness that we receive from God is not on how good we are, or how much money we give each Sunday or even the things we do. No, our salvation and God's forgiveness are based purely on God's mercy and what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross!
So the next time someone gives you excuses, read them today's verses and let them know what God really thinks and the way He really feels about them.
And next time you feel beat up by your sins, read today's verses and remember how much God really loves you for you, not the things you do, but rather through His mercy towards you and the work His Son Jesus Christ did on the cross.
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