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with God

Eph 3:17 (NLT)

And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love.

When you first move into a house or apartment, it just doesn't feel like home to you.
Things are no longer where they used to be, even looking out the window you no longer see those familiar things you are used to seeing.
But as you settle into your new home, you become more comfortable. You now have new places for your things and you get used to where they are. Usually in a move you get rid of old junk you just don't need. You become more familiar with you neighborhood and when you look out the window it becomes familiar to you.

It's the same way when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Things are not the same in your life. Sure you are excited as you are with your new home, but as it takes time to find everything and a place for your things, so it is with your new walk with the Lord.
You no longer hang out at bars or nightclubs, but you are now hanging out at church and home groups. That old junk you used to hang onto you have tossed away, but in its place are new things from the Lord, which are better, then those old sins.
Most of the faces are unfamiliar to you, but you sense a peace and comfort there in you new life with the Lord.

So if you are a new Christian, welcome to the family of God, and don't despair, things will become more familiar to you, and when the pastor says to turn to John 3:16 in your bible, soon you will be able to find it with no trouble at all.

And if you have been a believe for some time now, remember those who are new to the Lord, and help them in their walk so they will no longer desire to go back to their old neighborhood.

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