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with God

1 Cor 1:26-27 (NLT)

26 Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes, or powerful, or wealthy when God called you. 27 Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

Today at church I witnessed an awesome thing. It was a young man (in his 20's) being ordained as a minister.
What was so awesome about it was who he was before he became a Christian.

One of my best friends in the world told me the story of this young man and how he started out coming to his home group because he had a crush on one of his daughter's girlfriends. This went on for about a year until they all graduated from high school and my friend was wondering if it was time to stop the home group because all were going their separate ways.
You see this young man would never talk and said probably about three words the whole year. He would sit there with his face covered in the hood of his sweatshirt during the bible study.
But this young man asked, even though others were leaving the home group, if they were going to continue. Obviously my friend said sure, even though it was only himself, his wife and this young man a lot of the time.

I tell you this story because today you never would have thought he was like this at all.
God is using this man in a mighty way to minister to the collage kids in the church I attend. But not only the collage kids, but the adults also. He teaches on Friday night focusing on the collage crowd, but people of all ages come to hear him teach.
He would be the first to tell you that it's not himself, but the Lord doing the work through him.

So what does this have to do with you?
Maybe you have felt like God will never ever use you. You're not a good speaker; you don't seem to have any real talents that the Lord would use. No one knows you.

If God can use this young man in such a mighty way, He can use you too.
If God can use someone like me, a man who used to chase after women, go out drinking and dancing almost every night. A man who only looked after himself and what he could get out of someone (mostly women) then God can use you.

God has truly taken the foolish things of this world and confounded the wise. I see it around me all the time, and I am living proof of it.
So are you, if you will allow God to use you.

Think of yourself as a coffee cup. A coffee cup can't say, "hey, I'm a coffee cup, don't use me for anything other then coffee."
No, a coffee cup is good for other thing besides coffee; you can put almost anything in a coffee cup, juice, tea, soup, chocolate pudding (I had to throw that one in).

You are God's coffee cup; don't limit God on how He can use you, because He's not limited on the ways he planning on using you.
Just ask Him too and He will!

Take it from the King of Fools, ME!

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