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with God
Romans 7:16
I know perfectly well that what I am doing is wrong, and my bad conscience shows that I agree that the law is good.
Have you ever wondered why God gave Moses and us so many laws?
Sure it's obvious that if everyone murdered that there would only be a few people in the world.
So we agree with the law concerning murder and that it's wrong to murder.
But what about other things like adultery, or the Sabbath or coveting? What about partying and getting drunk or going to a "R" rated movie or any other sin you think is OK?
We sometimes wonder why God says these are bad things, so we end up questioning God on these things.
Here is another law that God created to help us understand the other laws of the bible and why they're important to try to follow.
It's the law of gravity.
"What are you talking about Steve?" you may be thinking.
Well, if you think about it, God created the law of gravity so that we don't float away.
Now if you don't follow the law of gravity and say that it's stupid and I'm not going to keep this law, you will die.
"How so?" you ask?
Well if you choose not to follow the law of gravity, then you would go to the top of the highest building and say, "God I don't like your law of gravity. I think it's stupid and I'm going to defy your law God."
So you would end up jumping off the building thinking you would defy God's law of gravity, but very soon discovered that God created this law for a reason.
But on your way down you could also get mad at God because you know in a few seconds you are about to die. But really the blame is all on yourself, because you choose to defy God and His law.
God didn't tell you to go to the top of the building, nor did He tell to jump off or push you off.
No, the blame would all be your own.
We do the same thing with sin. We climb to the top of it and say in a sense, "God I am defying your law. I don't believe it will hurt me." But then when we end up falling, we blame God.
But once again God didn't tell you to go into that sin. God didn't say, "Go ahead and get drunk this weekend." Even though you may be feeling the results of it maybe even now.
Nor did God put that drink in your hand or that man or woman in front of you telling you to go sin with him or her.
God didn't say, "I saw this great "R" rated movie full of sex and violence, I want you to go see it."
No the choice was yours.
We hear about free choice all the time, and God has given us that free choice. God also warns us of the consequences of the sin before we go into it.
So next time you fall into sin, don't blame God. You can go to Him for forgiveness and He will forgive you, but remember we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (see Romans 3:23).
But God NEVER made you sin, that was your own free choice.
That's what happens when we listen to others or think we know better, instead of listening to God or reading His word to see the truth.
John 8:31-32 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Now that's real freedom!
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