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with God

John 6:28-29

28 Then they said to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" 29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent."

Man today has the same question for God, "What work must I do to get into heaven?"
The key word that's asked by the world is "Work" .

But Jesus didn't tell them to go to church every Sunday, or give all your things away, or help out others. He didn't even say to be nice to your in-laws. (But all of these things Jesus has asked us to do, and by doing them we are telling Jesus we love Him, and not trying to earn our way into heaven.)
No, Jesus said to believe in Him that's what pleases the Father.

The only reason we do things as Christians, is because the Holy Spirit has changed our way of thinking, not to be so self-centered, but rather to think of the needs of others. In fact, it becomes a joy for us to do for others. It's not a burden anymore or because we think it will get us into heaven.

So if people say you are a good person because you help others, remind them that it's the love of Jesus that dwells in you, and that's what gives you the desire to do these things, not because you are trying to earn your way into heaven.

Once again salvation is a FREE gift from God, there is no amount of work you can do to earn it or pay for it!
Jesus already paid the price on the cross!

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